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6 Reasons Your Dog Won't Calm Down

Updated: Jul 29, 2022

PupStride Greensboro Dog Walking

It's no secret that dogs are a man's best friend. They provide us with companionship, loyalty, and unconditional love (here are some examples in Greensboro, NC). But sometimes, our furry friends can be too much for us to handle. Whether they're constantly barking or jumping all over us, it can be not easy to get them to calm down. If your dog is having trouble relaxing, here are six possible reasons and what you can do about it.

1. Fear of loud noises

Dogs can be afraid of all sorts of things, including loud noises. Suppose your dog is scared of thunderstorms, fireworks, or vacuum cleaners. In that case, they may be trying to escape the noise by running around or hiding. To help ease their anxiety, try using a noise-cancelling dog crate or white noise machine. You can also desensitize them to the noise by playing it at a low volume while eating or playing with toys.

2. Separation anxiety

Many dogs suffer from separation anxiety when their owners leave them alone. This can manifest in different ways, such as barking, whining, chewing on furniture, or going to the bathroom inside. If you think your dog has separation anxiety, try leaving them with a favorite toy or chew bone. You can also get them used to being alone by gradually increasing the time you're gone. Check out this article about what being alone does to your Pup!

3. Being around other dogs or people

Dogs are social creatures, so it's not surprising that some of them get anxious when they're around other dogs or people (which you may want to avoid for now anyways). If your dog is uncomfortable around other animals or crowds of people, try exposing them to the situation in small doses. For example, if they're afraid of other dogs, have a friend bring their dog over for a short visit. If they're scared of crowds, take them on a walk around the block during a busy time of day.

4. Having too much energy

Sometimes, a dog's hyperactivity is simply due to having too much energy. If your dog bounces off the walls, it may be because they need more exercise. Try taking them on long walks or runs, playing fetch in the backyard, or you can sign up for a PupStride dog-walking service in Greensboro, NC and surrounding areas.

5. Lack of socialization

If a dog isn't properly socialized, it can become anxious and stressed in new situations. It's important to expose them to different people, places, and things so they learn that there's nothing to be afraid of. Take them to the park, have friends over to visit, and go on car rides around town. The more experiences they have, the more confidence they'll build. You can also hire a professional at PupStride for dog sitting and dog walking services.

6. Fear of abandonment

Many dogs develop a fear of abandonment when they're left alone, even for short periods. This can be caused by a traumatic event, such as being abandoned by their previous owner or getting lost. If your dog is afraid of being alone, try to ensure they always have a toy or bone to chew on. You can also train them, so they know there's nothing to be afraid of when they're in their crate.

Greensboro Dog Sitting Walking

If your dog is having trouble calming down, it's important to figure out the root cause of the problem. Once you know why they're anxious, you can start taking steps to help ease their anxiety and stress. If you need assistance, consider signing up for PupStride's dog walking or dog sitting service in Greensboro, NC. A PupStride Professional Walker or Sitter can help your furry friend get the exercise they need to burn off excess energy or the attention to keep them happy and comfortable.

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